The construction itself is dynamic – variable, for several reasons:

Fig. 1 Construction with 29 modules x 590Wp = 17,11Kwp

➤  The construction itself is changeable and flexible. What does that mean: nowadays the technology is developing fast and every month you can find new PV technology or larger capacity on the market. Now you can find 530W per PV module which a year ago didn’t exist. Very soon the market will offer 600+,700+W modules. Our technology allows us to meet the market fast development. The PV SUN can be produced for any type, size and capacity of PV module keeping the advantages of all technical decision already implemented. So, if you would like to install a PV project with PV SUN we can provide you with the best available on the market PV module and accurate number. This will reduce the land interaction and will provide you larger capacity in a single unit.

The solar modules are developing- PV SUN too!

We can offer you:

➤   PV SUN SYSTEM with 29 photovoltaic modules with single capacity of 590Wp with diameter of 11м. One PV SUN SYSTEM will take only 121m with total installed capacity of 17,11Kw (fig. 1)

➤  PV SUN SYSTEM with 20 photovoltaic modules with single capacity of 590Wp with diameter of 9,2м. One PV SUN SYSTEM will take only 84,64sq.m with total installed capacity of 11,8Kw ( 2)

➤ Ефективен мултитехнически дизайн за: 

– ПОКРИВИ с всякакъв наклон; 
– ЗЕМЯ без значение на геодезическите и топографски характеристики;

Fig. 2 Construction with 20 modules x 590Wp = 11,80Kwp

Fig. 3 Construction with 13 modules x 590Wp = 7,67Kwp

  • ➤ PV SUN SYSTEM with 13 photovoltaic modules with single capacity of 590Wp with diameter of 7,5м. One PV SUN SYSTEM will take only 56,25sq.m with total installed capacity of 7,67Kw ( 3)

➤  PV SUN SYSTEM with 9 photovoltaic modules with single capacity of 590Wp with diameter of 6,5м. One PV SUN SYSTEM will take only 42,25sq.m with total installed capacity of 5,31Kw ( 4)

  • If you have available solar modules, we can do the construction in accordance with their specification and mount it.

Fig. 4 Construction with 9 modules x 590Wp = 5,31Kwp

PV SUN SYSTEM позволява ЮТИЛИЗАЦИЯ на всяка площ, независимо от формата му, т.к сме избрали най-оптималната конструктивна форма- кръговата:

Fig. 5 An example of internal layout which was preliminary planned with standing PV system

  • ➤  PV SUN SYSTEM allows UTILIZATION of any kind of land no matter its shape due to its shape:

Another innovation is the circular construction of each system. This allows for infinite systems to be mounted close to each other – occupying less surface area without compromising volume.  Standard tracking systems utilize rectangular shape and needs 6-10 meters between the systems in all directions.


PV SUN requires 0,6m between each system.

Fig. 5 An example of internal layout which was preliminary planned with standing PV system

Fig. 6 A combination of different by size PV SUN systems with module single capacity of 530Wp

➤  The circular shape together with the dynamic structure allows combination with different by type/diameter PV SUN SYSTEMS. This allows optimal utilisation of the installed capacity per unit area.

➤  The circular shape together with the dynamic structure allows PV SUN to be installed up to 10м. height and makes it very appropriate for combined positioning: on land, roof and parking using all suitable for that purpose areas ensuring maximum energy output on the place of its consumption.

➤  Namely that combinability of the construction, shape and base makes it very suitable also for urban areas – something that had been unthinkable until now. The system dual use, namely for parking and charging station for electrical cars makes PV SUN the fist of its kind power plant which can be situated in residential areas producing real “green” energy for the ecological vehicles, not occupying the land.

Fig. 7 A combination of rood and parking constructions

Fig. 8 PV SUN 2 in 1- power plant/charger – parking