Todorka Stankova

- +359 89 6806707
Todorka Stankova is an assistant professor at the “Technical University- Varna”, Bulgaria. An engineer with PhD in the field of Renewable energy sources and ecology she had been working as an independent expert since 2010. Since 2007 she had been working mainly in the renewable energy field managing large scale wind, solar and hydro projects. For 8 years she had been working with “Wienenergie” GmbH, municipality of Vienna, “Ecowind Handels und Wartungs” GmbH and ”BayWa”, Austria, “Zoter” Bau, Austria, “Asja” Ltd, Italy, “MNG Group”, Mexico&Turkey and many small scale project developed on the territory of Bulgaria.
Todorka Stankova participate in the creation of the INNOVATIVE, DYNAMIC, UTILISED, HYBRID TRACKING DUAL –AXIS PV SUN CAPTURE SYSTEM – shortened the PV SUN related to the second –manual axis and calculation of angle of inclines. She participates in the pilot model development and running, as well as in the comparison analysis and technical wind speed tests. Todorka Stankova had been participating in the factory design and all project document preparation as feasibility study, technical due diligence, business plan…
For the time being Todorka Stankova had been participating in the energy legislation framework of Bulgaria, lighting up and fighting against the gabs in the legislation, publishing numerous reports and participating in many international conferences. The science work of Todorka Stankova is based on the main aim- to find balance between energy, ecology and economy. Todorka Stankova is working on a methodology for wind energy project location assessment and mitigation of energy project impact on the environment. She had been working on 2 more innovative projects related to renewable energy and Natura 2000 and ornithological important place as well as a product which will reduce the worldwide temperature and the fight with the Global warmer. The last 2 projects are in a process of development and a matter of future work.
Todorka Stankova developed an own project for passive self -energy house with waste water treatment system which was built in 2019.
Other project participant which is related to ecology and marine litters are “RedMarLitter” and “ANEMONE” successfully completed in 2020.
Since 2019 she had been lecturing in Universities in Europe via ERASMUS+ Program.
The combination of different education from the Professional Technical school “Electrical engineering and electronic computing” , passing via the Technical University where the specialties of “Social Management”, “Industrial Management ”, “Renewable energy sources” and the PhD in “Renewable energy and ecology” gives her the knowledge which mixed together with ambitious, sequence and hard work, brought the most valuable – experience! Working on innovations namely in the field of renewable energy and ecology gives her opportunity to participate in the mitigation of the global warming which make her life –worth living.